Thursday, August 02, 2007

It was a bad day....

Wednesday, August 1, 2007 was an aweful day in the Minneapolis area. At 6:05 PM, during rush hour, the 35-W bridge near downtown collapsed. As I write this post, 4 are confirmed dead and 8 are still missing. That is down from reports this afternoon that 20-30 were still missing.

All of us in the Twin Cities are watching non stop coverage of this tragedy. I thought I would post some pictures and video for those of you out of state.

Please take time to pray for those families that lost loved ones, as well as those that were injured. Also pray for those that have not yet been found and for the rescue workers as they risk thier lives to try and recover those that are not yet found.

Finally, please pray for our politicians so that they can make educated decisions regarding aid to help our city and those in need.

Our rush hour traffic system will be messed up for the next couple of years.

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